SSN Trace / Address History

SSN Validation

SSN data provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) database can also help determine if social security numbers provided by potential employees are legitimate and provides vital information for revealing an applicant’s possible criminal history. This is helpful in locating addresses linked to the applicant that may have been omitted. It can also help to uncover identity theft or concealment of a crime. Results may include but is not limited to current and past address history, age and/or date of birth, and current and/or past counties lived.

Address History

The Address History check helps to confirm the current and/or past address history of applicants. The address history can then be used to determine which jurisdictions to search for court records.

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Criminal Record Searches

County Criminal Search

This type of search is performed at the county level and involves direct searches of county court records. This search is one of the most accurate sources and is a starting point for establishing due diligence.
Results include:

  • Misdemeanor and Felonies
  • Charges, Indictments, Dispositions, dates of offences and sentencing information

County and Federal Civil Records Check

This search provides information on civil litigation or lawsuit searches at the county and federal jurisdiction levels. Federal civil searches are conducted at specific US District courts.

Federal Criminal Records Search

The federal court system, independent of state and local courts is comprised of 94 district courts in the U.S. and its territories. This search is run in parallel with the county criminal records check and provides additional information about a candidate. Results report more serious federal law violations in this search.
Other results include:

  • Fraud and embezzlement
  • Drug trafficking
  • Tax evasion
  • Bank robbery

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State Criminal Records Check

State Criminal Background Check reports reveals criminal activity as stored at the state-level repository. While this report isn’t as accurate as a search at the county level where cases are tried they can still provide information to assist with making an informed hiring decision.
Results include:

  • felony and misdemeanor records
  • Traffic records
  • Department of Corrections’ records
  • State sex-offender registry information

Global Watchlist Check

The Global Watchlist Check search includes the following U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists. This includes foreign and global terrorists’ organizations, international narcotics traffickers, and individuals and/or organizations that have been placed on watch status by U.S. and international government agencies.

National Criminal Records Check

This search gives a multi-jurisdictional comprehensive view identifying beyond states and counties where a candidate has lived, worked, lived or attended school.
This nationwide search detects potential criminal records pulling from over 550 million records from thousands of jurisdictions, including counties, department of corrections (DOC), administrative office of courts (AOC), and offender registries from all 50 states, plus Washington DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The national criminal search is generally pulled in conjunction with other county and statewide searches.
Other results may include but are not limited to:

  • Department of Corrections (DOC)
  • Administrative Office of Courts (AOC)
  • Criminal records from state record repositories and some county and township courts
  • State, Local and Federal Fugitive Lists
  • Sex Offender Registries from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Guam and US Territories

Sex Offender Registry

Coordinated by the Department of Justice, the National Sex Offender database contains current registered sex offenders with felony convictions collected from registries from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and Tribal nations.
Knowing the level of risk an offender may present to others is why the sex offender background check is so important. No one wants to hear that a child or loved one is a victim of abuse. Ensuring the safety and welfare of your employees and customers is key especially for organizations that serve vulnerable populations.

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Driving Records Check

Motor Vehicle Records (MVR)

Driving Records Check provides records from all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. Checking an applicant’s motor vehicle record (MVR) will ensure that you have the most up-to-date information on license status, class, moving violations and restrictions. This type of search is key when your candidates or current employees operate motor vehicles and is often on monitor status to notify you of any infractions as they occur.
Report includes:

  • License status
  • Violations and infractions
  • Accidents
  • Suspensions or revocations
  • Expiration date
  • Endorsements

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Drug Checks

Drug Screening

You interview what you feel is the perfect candidate and move forward with the background check and drug screening. However, the drug screen is returned and is positive. The candidate did not fit the stereotype. At this point you are grateful that your organization has a drug screening process in the workplace to protect your business from the impact of drug and alcohol abuse. We can facilitate the drug screening process for your candidates so that you don’t have to.
Some benefits of having a drug-free workplace are:

  • Reduces the company’s risk and liability
  • Ensures the safety of all employees in the workplace
  • Increase of morale and productivity
  • Promotes a healthier workplace, eliminating employee time out of work
  • Lowers healthcare and insurance costs

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National and International Employment Verifications

Verification of the last three employers within a seven-year period. Information includes dates of employment, title(s) held, and salary when it is available.

National and International Education Verifications

Verification of education credentials that confirm degree received, course of study, and dates of attendance.

Personal and Professional Reference Checks

Verification of personal and professional reference checks are vital to ensuring that your candidate is the right fit. Our trained HR staff conduct thorough reference checks using industry-standard questions so that you can make an informed decision. You can use our standard questions or supply your own customized list of questions.

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